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Obstetrics & Gynaecological Nursing Department
Obstetrics & Gynaecological Nursing Department
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological nursing policy is directed toward the provision of quality professional services and performs the task holistically with reference to the women, neonates and their families.
The faculty of OBG Nursing department believes that, the undergraduate and postgraduate programme prepares nurses for leadership positions in nursing and health fields who can function as specialist nurse practitioners, consultants, administrators, educationists and investigators in a wide variety of professional setting in meeting the national priority and the changing needs of the society.
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Appreciate the trend in the field of midwifery, obstetrics and gynecology as a specialty
- Describe the population and indicator of maternal and child Health.
- Describe the concept of biophysical, psychological and spiritual aspect of normal pregnancy, labour and puerperium.
- Provide the comprehensive Nursing care to women during reproductive period and new born.
- Integrate the concept of family cantered nursing process approach in obstetric and gynecological nursing.
- Identify and analyze the deviation from normal birth process and refer appropriately.
- Describe the pharmacological agent, their effects during pregnancy, child birth, puerperium, lactation and the role of nurse.
- Counsel adolescents, women and families on issues pertaining
- Describe the roll of various complementary and alternative therapies in obstetrics and gynecological Nursing.
- Incorporate evidence-based nursing practice and identify the areas of research in the field of obstetric and gynecological Nursing.
- Describe the recent advancement in contraceptive technology and birth control measures.
- Describe the recent advancement in contraceptive technology
- Describe epidemiology, aetiology, pathophysiology and diagnostic assessment of women with obstetrics and gynecological conditions.
- Practice infection control measures.
- Identify and manage obstetrics and neonatal emergencies as per protocol.
- Utilize recent technology and various diagnostics, therapeutic modalities in the management.
- Design the layout of speciality unit of obstetrical and gynecology.
- Demonstrate competence in caring for high risk in newborn.
- Counsel the women and families.
- Incorporate evidence-based nursing practice and identify the areas of research in the field of obstetrical and gynecological Nursing.
- Function as independent midwifery nurse practitioner.
- Perform physical, psychological, cultural & spiritual assessment
- Civil Hospital Gandhinagar
- Mayflower Hospital Ahmedabad